My Sakis3G configuration
My Sakis3G configuration on OpenSUSE 11.2
I originally published the configuration below on Sakis3G forum.
internet connection with sakis3g on opensuse 11.2 (offline installation)
The OS is an openSUSE 11.2 i586 which I installed on my Siemens-Fujitsu SCENIC PC.
It was an offline installation with a DVD. (The iso of the DVD was downloaded in spring of 2010.)
After the installation of the OS opensuse 11.2 I deleted the online installation source items from
the source list in the YAST software package manager.
>>offline installation
I had no internet connection on the opensuse 11.2 before I was installing sakis3g, so if you already use
internet connection on your opensuse 11.2 and use online installations on it, this know-how probably will not be really useful for you.
So the method is offline installation.
Maybe some of my steps and some of the packages are mentioned below are not necessary, but I have no
time to try out any other combination. I only can say that this installation is working for me in that
way I describe below.
>>list of packages
I have an rpm package kit with all the rpm packages I downloaded for my opensuse 11.2, but not all of
these packages are related with this topic and I do not know which is really necessary and/or useful
from them.
The technical problem with the list of these packages is its size.
The method will be that I give a list of keywords I used to download and install the sakis3g-related packages.
>>useful pages
I give the urls of the pages I used for the installation :
The method was to download all packages which looked to be necessary upon the YAST software installation
messages. By the fourth-fifth circle I already downloaded anything necessary and the YAST did not asked for
more missing packages.
The only one "tricky" step was to rewrite the /etc/wvdial.conf file upon a hungarian page.
(But at the second installation I did not modified the original /etc/wvdial.conf file, so
it was not necessary for my 3G internet connection.)
step 1
Delete packages if they are already installed using the YAST software package manager
with these keywords :
wvdial, usb_modeswitch, libaudio, libusbmuxd1, usbprog, usbmuxd, libplist
(because of dependencies better not to delete these packages : zypper, libzypp, libusb)
step 2
Use a directory for the new packages. Setup this directory in the YAST software package manager as an
installation source.
Download opensuse11.2 rpm packages using these keywords from into that directory.
(Most of them published for openSUSE11.2. If there was not such package, I downloaded the openSUSE11.3
or openSUSE11.4 version):
libusb, wvdial, usb_modeswitch, libzypp,, libusbmuxd1, usbprog(0.2.0), usbmuxd,
step 3
At this point the USB 3G modem was already connected to the PC.
(Maybe it can be done later.)
step 4
Install and/or refresh all the packages in the YAST using these keywords at ones (together) :
wvdial, usb_modeswitch, libzypp, libaudio, libusbmuxd1, usbprog, usbmuxd, libplist, libusb
Mark all the appearing packages for installation or upgrade. If some of the packages
can not be installed because of dependencies, just leave it out and go on with
the marking. Maybe it will be solved with marking all the next available and installable packages.
Better to check the list again in the YAST after finished marking.
If the YAST still asks for missing package, please download and install that package.
(It can be happen with the libzypp upgrade, but I did not installed that upgrade package.)
step 5 - it can be leaved out
You may configure the /etc/wvdial.conf, but it is not necessary.
(Good idea to make a copy of the original conf file into a safe directory
before modifying the conf file.)
You may have an idea about the uselessness of this content, but never mind.
You may try several configurations if you wish.
By the first installation I copied the content below from these pages :
(note : xxxx may be replaced by the PIN code)
conf file content :
[Dialer Defaults]
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB2
Baud = 460800
[Dialer pin]
Init2 = AT+CPIN=xxxx
[Dialer net]
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"
Phone = *99#
Username = off
Password = off
Stupid Mode = 1
step 6 - it can be leaved out
You may start Sakis3g and run this action : "Compile embedded Usb-ModeSwitch"
- but this is probably also not necessary.
step 7
Starting connection.
Before the first connection I use to run the "Only prepare modem .." action.
After this run succesfully I start the connection with the "Connect with 3G" action.
The APN has to be typed in the text fields with the name and password for the connection.