The content of this page is effective from 23. December 2010. Modified in 24. January 2011. (new/modified text color : blue)
Copyrights about the contents of this site :
copyright©2006-2011 Héder Gábor
All Hungarian names mentioned below are corresponding to Hungarian language rules.
All pages could be find in this site and the contents of them are my intellectual products, the exceptions (ideas and chemes were come from other persons) are mentioned and named at least in one page. The old html codes were made by graphical editors (Yahoo! SiteBuilder 2.2.3 and BlueVoda Website Builder) - such all pages are „oldindex”, „oldindexhu”, „favouritelinks”, „elektro”, „electro”, „villamos”, „oldszabadido” – so those codes are not my intellectual products. Similarly the pages were made by the CoffeCup Free HTML Editor still content such codes which are not my intellectual products - such all pages are „szabadido”, „controller”. The writings partly were made in Open Office Writer, those pages - written by Writer - also content such codes are not my intellectual products. These writings also use such knowlidges (learnings) are also coming from other persons. These are not mentioned every case because these are a part of a „common knowlidge”.
The javascript files (with js extentions) all content codes written by me, these codes have their own copyright notes. Please read those notes carefully.
The following materials content electrical circuits as parts which developed and/or designed by others. It is strictly not allowed to use all these parts for any purpose or for any reason, the only exception is that case if the user is the author (here : developer and/or designer).
garatmasszapumpa.jpg : The original impulse relay circuits with the four sensors are not my works. (right side of the picture, K4, K5, K6, K7 and the four sensors) The drawing is my work.
mogyoroszoro-2.gif : The original relay circuits are not my works. The drawing is my work.
FE-1.gif, FE-1.jpg, FE-2.gif, FE-2.jpg, FE-3.gif, FE-3.jpg, FE-4.gif, FE-4.jpg, FE1-1.gif, FE1-2.gif, FE2-1.gif, FE2-2.gif : The circuits of these drawings are designed by Horváth István, except the over-voltage protections. The drawings are my works.
The followings are effective for all works of mine which are published in this site:
The following Hungarian laws are effectives to all of my published works.
1999. évi LXXVI. Törvény;
Módosító rendelkezések: 2001. évi XLVIII. törvény; 2001. évi LXVII. törvény; 2003. évi CII. törvény [hatályos 2004. május 1. napjától]; 2003. évi CXXV. törvény; 2004. évi LXIX. törvény [hatályos 2004. július 10. napjától]
Btk. 1978. évi IV. Törvény
I declare the followings :
All of my works which are contented in this website (
- except the parts I detailed above as developed and/or designed by others
- except the published program codes in the pages "szamgyak.html" and "szamgyakhu.html"
- except the published scripts in the pages "szourlev.html" and "szourlevhu.html"
- except the content of the page "otodikposztulatum.html"
in parts or as whole may be used freely (and of course free of charge) and of course any idea of these may be used freely (and of course free of charge), if the terms and conditions of (Lycos Inc.) services do not inhibit to do so.
The page "otodikposztulatum.html" contents its own copyright declaration.
All published codes of the program (and scripts) „szamgyak” and the scripts „szourlev” in parts or as whole may be used freely (and of course free of charge) for non-commercial and for non-profit commercial businesses, acts or purposes, and of course any idea of these may be used freely (and of course free of charge) for non-commercial and for non-profit commercial businesses, acts or purposes, if the terms and conditions of (Lycos Inc.) services do not inhibit to do so.