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small application development : szamgyak

copyright©2007-2011 Héder Gábor
You can see the licence of szamgyak in Copyrights.

szamgyak is a self-made amateur/hobby developed small application for practising some basic mathematics.

The main features of szamgyak :
- the current version of szamgyak is written in TP7.0 (on XP, but this a DOS application) and has a translated code version in Free Pascal (for Linux, compiled with that fpc-1 version which comes with the SUSE Professional 9.0 distribution)
- the current version lastly modified in September 2007.
- only the executable files are available (at least for Linux anyway)
- it is an executable console application with some faults in the latest version - I will modify the code
(the basic funcionality is seems to be OK such as file operations, mathematical operations)

Available versions :

szamgyak 07.09.24

Note : The php/html version is under development. Just because I have to do some more important projects this project stopped for a while (for years actually).

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